The first mark recorded was on June 5, 1822 for the animals of Denton Burns, the last mark recorded was for the animals of James Rochester on May 20, 1859. There are 89 marks recorded.
Marks Recorded by Jacob Goble while Town Clerk.
Denton Burn's mark, a slit in the left ear. Recorded June 5, 1822.
Jacob Goble's mark, a square crop of the right ear and a slit in the left. Recorded June 5, 1822.
Donald McIntyre's mark, a swallow fork in each ear. Recorded January 6, 1823.
Jeremiah Cowin's mark, a crop of the left ear with a slit in the same. Recorded August 18, 1823.
Marks Recorded by Joseph Smith while Town Clerk (January 1826).
Joseph Smith's mark, a swallow fork on the right halfpenny under the same also a halfpenny under the left ear.
Wheeler D. Smith's mark, crop of the right ear a halfpenny under the left.
James Pelton's mark, crop of the left ear slit under the same.
Henry French's mark, hole in the right ear crop of the left ear.
Henry Slawson's mark, swallow fork in the left ear.
Dr. Bliss and Co. mark, hole in the left ear.
Chancey Purdy's mark, hole in the right ear.
Marks Recorded by Jeremiah Cowin while Town Clerk.
Henry Harp's mark, a square crop of the right ear with a slit in each ear. Recorded March 6, 1828.
John McLeod's mark, a swallow fork in the left ear with a slit on the under side of the same ear. Recorded April 26, 1828.
Samuel Pelton's mark, a square crop of the right with two slits on the under side of the same ear. Recorded May 26, 1828.
Wm. Swarts mark, a square crop of the left ear with a hole in the same. Recorded June 2, 1828.
Edward Burgess mark, a square crop of the right with a hole and a slit in the same ear. Recorded June 2, 1828.
Peter D. Schramling's mark, a slit in the right ear. Recorded August 23, 1828.
James Innes mark, a square crop of the right ear and a half crop of the underside of the left ear. Recorded September 20, 1828.
Seth Landon's mark, a square crop of each ear. Recorded October 7, 1828.
Benjamin F. Green's mark, s square crop of the left ear with a hole and a slit in the right ear. Recorded October 7, 1828.
Archibald Steward's mark, a slit in each ear. Recorded October 30, 1828.
Peter Bastedo's mark, a square crop of the right ear. Recorded November 26, 1828.
John Galbraith's mark, a square crop of the right ear with a slit in the same ear. Recorded December 13, 1828.
William Gooding's mark, a square crop of the right ear with a half penny on the underside of the same ear. Recorded December 22, 1828. (transferred to G. Northrup)
John Rumrills mark, a square crop of the right ear with a half penny out of the upper side of the same ear. Recorded January 5, 1829.
James McLeod's mark, a square crop of the left with a half penny out of the upper side of the same ear. Recorded January 5, 1829. (transferred to John McLeod)
Hiram Graham's mark, a square crop of the left ear. Recorded January 5, 1829.
Henry Rupert's mark, a hole in each ear. Recorded January 5, 1829.
Murrey Lister's mark, a square drop of the left ear with a slit in the upper side of the same ear. Recorded January 13, 1829.
Benjamin Green's mark. a slit in the under side of the right ear. Recorded June 22, 1829.
Isaac Innes mark, a half crop of the upper side of the right ear with a slit in the under side of the same ear. Recorded July 8, 1829.
Samuel Nevers mark, a half crop of the upper side of the right ear with a half penny on the under side of the left ear. Recorded November 26, 1829.
John Murrey's mark, a slit in the left ear with a half penny on the upper side of the right ear. Recorded Sept. 10, 1830.
Thomas Roach's mark, a crop of the left ear with a slit in the same and a swallow fork in the right ear. Recorded Sept. 10, 1830. (transferred to John Roach April 20, 1849)
Daniel Bawtinheimer's mark, a slit in the upper side of each ear. Recorded Sept. 10, 1830.
Marks Recorded by Wm. Slawson while Town Clerk.
Wm. Slawson's mark, a swallow fork in the left ear and a slit under the same. Recorded April 29, 1831.
Marks Recorded by Peter Bastedo while Town Clerk.
Walter Martin's mark, a square crop of the right ear with a hole in the same ear. Recorded June 4, 1832.
William Bastedo's mark, a square crop on the right ear with a slit in the upper part of the ear. Recorded Dec. 25, 1832.
Benjamin Stephenson's mark, a slit in both ears and a half penny out of the left ear. Recorded Dec. 25, 1832.
John Hick's mark, a square crop of both ears. Recorded Dec. 25, 1832.
Marks Recorded by John Jackson while Town Clerk.
James Fritch's mark, a swallow fork in both ears. Recorded January 2, 1834.
Stephen York's mark, a crop off the left ear with a slit under the same. Recorded March 20, 1834.
John Jackson's mark, a slit under the left ear. Recorded March 24, 1834.
William Cochran's mark, a crop off both ears an a slit in the same. Recorded June 6, 1834.
Richard C. Mudge's mark, a hole in the left ear. Recorded March 24, 1835.
John Gould's mark, a hole in the right ear. Recorded April 3, 1835.
Christopher Rupert's mark, a crop of the left ear and a hole in the right. Recorded May 18, 1835.
George W. Lewis mark, a slit in the upper edge of the right ear. Recorded May 30, 1835.
Nicholas Pickle's mark, a swallow fork in each ear. Recorded April 25, 1836.
David Nevers mark, a crop and a half penny in the under side of the right ear. Recorded May 11, 1837.
Marks Recorded by Joseph H. Laycock while Town Clerk.
Mathew French's mark, a square crop of the right ear with two slits on the under side of the same ear. Recorded Jan. 10, 1840.
Daniel Martin's mark, a square crop of the left ear. Recorded Jan. 10, 1840.
Benjamin Swears mark, a square crop of both ears. Recorded April 13, 1840.
James McLeod's mark, a square crop of the left ear with a half penny out of the upper side of the same ear. Recorded Jany 1, 1841.
John C. Harp's mark, a square crop of the right ear with a slit in each and a half penny out of the upper side of the left ear. Recorded Jany 1, 1841.
Thomas Dawson's mark, three half pennys under the right ear. Recorded March 5, 1842.
Wm. Obrien, a square crop of each ear and a half penny out of the upper side of the right ear. Recorded March 10, 1842.
Edward Bricher, a swallow fork out of the left ear and a slit in the right ear. Recorded March 10, 1842.
Moses Innes, a square crop of the right ear and a half crop of the upper side of the left ear. March 14, 1842
John Hughson, a square crop off the left ear and a half penny under each. April 12, 1842.
Wheeler Kitchen, a square crop of the left ear. May 10, 1842.
John Burgess, a square crop of the left ear half crop of the under side of the right ear. June 2, 1842.
Joshua Burnett's mark, a slit in the upper part of the right ear. Recorded May 14, 1842.
Thomas Gad's mark, a square crop of the left ear with a half penny out of the under side of the right. Recorded June 15, 1842.
Mathew Ainsely's mark, a slit in the upper side of both ears. Recorded June 23, 1842.
Stephen A. Rumrills mark, a half penny out of the under side of the right ear. Recorded Nov. 4, 1842.
Hiram Canoffer, [a half crop of the underside of the right ear.]
J. Mumu [a half penny out of the underside of the left ear.]
Francis Wonch's mark, a slit in the left ear with a half penny in the upper side of the right ear. Recorded March 16, 1844.
James Sipe's mark, a crop of the left ear with a slit under the same. Recorded April 5, 1845.
Herman Fitch's mark, a slanting crop of the under side of the left ear. Recorded July 2, 1845.
Aaron Clarke's mark, a small square of the right ear. Recorded May 18, 1846. (transfer to E.A. Rouse)
James Schevmerhoon's mark, a crop of each ear with a slit in the left. Recorded May 18, 1846.
Richard Burgess mark, a crop of the left ear with a slit in the right. Recorded June 1, 1846.
William Cunliffe's mark, a square crop of the left ear with a half penny out of the upper side of the same. Recorded June 1, 1846.
David Burn's mark, a swallow fork in each ear and a half penny out of the under side of the right ear. Recorded June 1, 1846.
Charles Rathbun's mark, a square crop of the left ear with a half penny out of the upper side of the right
Recorded May 29, 1847.
Benjamin Swears mark, a slit in the under side of the right ear. Recorded May 31, 1847.
James Trenneman's mark, a crop and half penny in the under side of the right ear.
Allan Sheik's mark, a swallow fork in the right ear with a half penny under the same also a half penny under the left ear. June 9, 1849.
Robert Trenneman's mark, a half crop under the right ear. Recorded July 27, 1850.
James McLean's mark, a hole in the right ear. Recorded May 19, 1853.
Gabriel Northrup's mark, a square crop of the right ear with a half penny under the same. Recorded April 8, 1854.
John Burn's mark, a half penny out of the upper side of the left ear. Recorded Jany 10, 1854.
Thomas Allchin's mark, two holes in the left ear. Recorded Feby 23, 1854.
Ephraime S. Rouse's mark, a small square crop of the right ear. Recorded June 6, 1856.
Wm. S. Swarts mark, a square crop of the left ear with a hole in the same.
Hartley Laycock's mark a half crop under the left ear.Recorded May 30, 1857.
James Rochester's mark, a square crop of the left ear with a half penny out of the under side of the right. Recorded May 20, 1859.
Source: Blenheim Township Minute Book 1822-1859.
Transcription held by Edward Kipp.
Photographic Copy held by Princeton Public Library, Princeton, Ontario.
Original held by the The Provincial Archives of Ontario.
Updated May 29, 2009